UPDATE: i am no longer hyperfixated on enstars lmao i like 3d idols now. to show my dedication i changed all of the pics on here
as soon as this awful period of obsession over real people is over i will probably return to my regular fandom activities
stan liu yu (carrd)hey there! this carrd is a wip, but feel free to come back later
if you need me i'll be most active on discord
ao3: tenshi_agerasia
tumblr: tenshi-agerasia
etsy: TenshiParlor
discord: [see below]
i exist in other places but i appear there even less
about me / favs / fics + AUs / current stuff / shop (soon)
chuang rant / random dump

my name is techa (咖咖), or halie or hal or tei or tenshi, but just techa usually works. i'm a disabled nd queer poc minor (wow all of them) and instead of introducing myself properly here's a faq sectionmbti and zodiac?
intp-t (more like ixxx-t, depends on my mood) & gemini (june birthday i i don't care enough to figure out the rising sign or whatever)
are you a registered organ/eye/tissue donor?
haven't done the legal stuff yet but i will soon, imo everyone should be
blood type?
i actually don't know this which is kind of Bad
are you a blood/plasma donor?
i don't even know my blood type. i'd like to and i think my stats are healthy enough but i'm already lacking in so many areas i think i would probably faint
do you say slurs?
sometimes, only ones i can reclaim, and never in a serious derogatory matter. it's mostly the f-slur and c-slur with people who are also queer/east asian and say it jokingly too. imo the whole reclaiming thing makes me less sensitive to discrimination
are you really multilingual?
i'm fluent in mandarin and english, i can read like the slightest midge of japanese kanji, i can understand written cantonese, and i'm currently learning french. i'm not fluent in french but i don't think it deserves my respect as a language so i put it down as something i know anyways
what do you mean by disabled?
my body does not work properly my guy
why are you self diagnosed nd?
the last two (expensive) times i went to see a specialist they talked to me for thirty minutes and said i did too well in school to have audhd (asian overachieving gifted kid)
thoughts on femstars?
transmasc demicass bigenderflux eichi so true
why'd you block me?/dni
ableist eichi neg, liu yu neg, spoke in favor of the pds of chuang, rude about ships in any way, talking about ships at the absolute worst time, racism/homophobia/etc, and/or being weird :)
why didn't you reply to me?
99% of the time i'm busy, or i forgot, or i don't know what to say. if i dislike you i will say it to your face please don't think that i secretly hate you, i'm just bad at conversations :(
why do you like [this character]? don't you know what they did?
why do you hype up your babygirls like "omg my skrimbly mass murderer so cute teehee slay" and then turn around to hate another character for doing the same thing?
"oh i don't condone my favs' actions" i fully support their bad behaviors and this also applies to me enabling my friendsand i do not care if idols have significant others and/or hide their lovers from their fans. unless they treat their partners terribly that's cancelablewhy do you call yourself an artist/writer if you only draw/post/update once every five months?
shut up

    favorite characters/peopleanyone really! they're all my babygirls !! but here are some of my preferencesinto1: liu yu, nine/gao qing chen, lin mo, ak/liu zhang (15611) (ak/11 got canceled for dating so i can't say i like him)
    我真的是因兔丸团粉(偏刘宇),but i actively look for/watch content for these four and the other members are up to fate
    preferred ships 15 16 18 111 and 14 if i'm feeling bored (zhang jiayuan/8 also got canceled for dating F)
    chuang (zao ying) 4/produce camp 2021: liu yu, tian xia group, luo yan, wu hai, nine, shao mingming, li luoer, lin mo, 1002 dorm, etc etc
    i also love the third stage "the adventure"/冒险计划 group but zhang xinyao got canceled for a good reason so he is dead to me F
    guo feng mei shao nian/national chinese youth 2018: liu yu, chen ziming, liu feng, qian wei, er shen, fang yangfei, jia laoshi, shen tianxing, liu muzi, yang xiezi, etc (the entire gang)
    i wasn't planning on liking them so much but this (stream rx) this (yogurt), this (stream banter), this (ly/czm), this (czm lf dance) and their fifth anniversary vc
    国美 yyds real friendship yyds i love their dynamic
    enstars: eichi (hikaru midorikawa), flavor/tea club, fine, exfine (hanae natsuki), ryuseitai, akatsuki, kaoru, anzu, the revolutionaries, the list goes on and on. check out my eichi ship tier list and fight me about it
    paradox live: akanyatsura, the cat's whiskers (hanae natsuki), bae, 1nm8
    milgram: fuuta, shidou('s wife), kazui('s wife), mikoto (hanae natsuki), kotoko, es
    octonauts: peso <3 but specifically cn peso
    banana fish: sing, yut-lung, cain
    sk8 the infinity: gonna get hate for this but i think adam is just a Guy. tadashi is actually unwell /pos. i like the entire cast but miya, carla, and cherry (hikaru midorikawa) kinda stand out more
    twst: deuce, lilia (hikaru midorikawa), trey, epel, neige
    diabolik lovers: look it sucks but. ayato (hikaru midorikawa)
    saiki k: the pk psychickers (saiki, aiura, toritsuka (hanae natsuki), akechi), kusuke, and kuboyasu get a special place in my diseased mind
    manhua/manhwa/manga i like
    highlight = rec
    ◇ = i also read the novel
    ⨿ = makes me smile/laugh
    ⨷ = unique story
    ⨝ = makes me SOB
    ▷ = art hits different
    单色谣言/monochrome rumor (cn, og kr) ⨷
    硬核一中/hardcore high school (cn) ⨿ ⨷ ▷
    全球高考/global examination (cn) ◇ ⨿ ⨷ ▷
    traces of the sun (en, og kr) ⨷ ⨝
    朝俞 (prev. 伪装学渣)/zhao yu (prev. fake slackers) (cn) ◇ ⨿ ⨷
    轻错/gone with the wind (cn) ◇ ⨝
    这题超纲了/the guy inside me (cn) (terrible title translation btw.) ⨿ ⨷
    debut or die (en, og kr) ▷
    the female knight and her emperor (en, og kr) ⨿
    伪装女友/my princess charming (cn, og kr) ⨿
    the guy she was interested in wasn't a guy at all (en, og jp) ⨿
    ask me for more niche/cringey chinese manhuai would never recommend qing cuo (gone with the wind) to anyone because that story ruined mewzxz (fake slackers) and ztcgl (the guy inside me) were originally webnovels by the same author, 木瓜黄/mug gua huang! they also take place within the same universe at the same time, and the two main characters of wzxz cameo in ztcgl

      time since last update of Help! I've Been Reincarnated Two Years into the Past and Now I Have to Unlock Every Romance Route as the Villain of the War?! (I DID IT)find these on ao3 under tenshi_agerasia!enstars isekai series:
      > war-era eichi multiship (LONG)
      > working on an eishu one for shu
      > and another multiship one for kaoru
      enstars paradox live au:
      > main fic (heaven astray)
      > series (elysium paradox)
      > i have a keichi spinoff in mind
      misc wips:
      > a few reichi aus, mostly angsty with one funny one
      > couple of long eiritsu fics, mostly femstars
      > eishu stuff, two war-era multichap ones
      > polyexfine thing
      > tatsuei things
      > two short yuzuei fics (three chapters and oneshot)
      > watakeireichi au
      > they/he/she watakeichi angst
      > young eichi pov wataei oneshot
      > keito multiship crackfic (keichi, reikei, kurokei, watakei)
      > unrequited kaoei oneshot
      > hiyoei 5 + 1 banters
      > you can tell i like eichi ships
      > and some saiki k stuff
      3d idol wips:
      > 大岛格格 (16) x 4+
      > 九宇初晴 (15) x 2
      > all宇/满塘宇 x 2+
      > 宇盖弥彰 (111) x 2
      > 宇言嘉 (18) x 1
      enstars minions au:
      > tumblr tag
      > i lied this one is just for tumblr only
      > just art for now, if i do write something i'll post it on ao3 too

      fandom events i'm in:
      > enstars bigbang (artist)
      > niki's cookbook zine (chef)
      stuff i'm currently doing:
      > obsessing over the gorgeous liu yu and practicing my chinese (internet slang) while doing so
      > eichi isekai fic
      > bigbang/zine things
      > extra stuff for the eichi isekai fic (?!) (!!)
      > this
      > locking my friends in my basement and forcing them to watch any show liu yu was on (/srs dm me for proof)
      > planning for shop
      > writing two video essays, one about liu yu and the other about how chuang 2021's production team is evil
      stuff i want to do:
      > actually launch etsy shop
      > animatics
      > post informational youtube videos where i rant about the worst possible topics in multiple languages
      etsy shop:
      > haven't launched yet lmao
      > see here

      thank you for showing interest!! unfortunately i am Busy with school and contests and everything but i hope i can get everything up and running by february?i'll also drag along a few of my friends :)will mostly be fandom/character stuff, some niche thingshint: stickers

      i swear i'm gonna make a video essay of all the shit chuang pulled· 严重防爆学员 / purposefully hiding trainees with potential and popularity to prevent them from getting more popular
      · 恶剪 / evil editing
      examples: tang guo chao tian's initial performance and subsequent lack of screentime, shao mingming's argument with han peiquan, cutting the reaction to zhang xinyao in the R0SE 二创 stage as yu gengyin, not giving centers the most focus, silencing liu yu's high note and using the worst possible camera angles in 二创,
      · heavily uneven distribution of screentime from the start
      · one word: 皇
      · 故意用学员挡枪 / purposefully shifting blame and hate to trainees
      · vote manipulation
      · changing live audience vote results in the official aired show
      · only treating trainees as tools to progress the plot
      · coercing trainees into doing embarrassing things (and ruining their future careers) (cough 糖果超甜 cough)
      · mistreating trainees
      · tbc
      in conclusion: i hate chuang

      in an official into1 video the editors silenced nine, the same nine who almost threw hands with wang xiaochen for the bed closest to liu yu, calling liu yu baobei (baby)ak about liu yu: i really admire him, but i don't want us to speak past three sentences since i'm afraid i wouldn't know what to say, maybe our magnetic fields just clash
      ak about liu yu a month later: taking a walk with you alone along the beach, letting you lie on my legs and rest your head on my thighs, immediately responding when you touch me, kneeling down to look up at you, playing with your hand, smiling like you're the greatest thing in the world, gently setting my hands on your waist as we hug and holding that position for too long, finding you first after i debut, not giving the camera my front face during interviews so i can stare at you
      conclusion: either liu yu is a woman to ak or he cured ak's homophobia
      (ak's leaked wechat messages:
      < stop shipping
      < we're all straight men
      < i feel a bit disgusted)
      if nobody's gonna talk about liu yu and riki i want to point out that after riki's debut position was announced he straight up walked past santa to hug liu yu 💀 真 · 逆流而上tbc